Workshops for the 2016 joint Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference

This is a list of “workshops”, that are jointly hosted by the Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference. They can be either kernel specific, userland specific, or joint kernel and userland specific. A workshop is expected to be a full day session run jointly for Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference. These tracks will run on Tuesday November 1st.

Workshops are different from Linux Plumbers Microconferences in that Workshops are people driven and designed to bring together a key set of stakeholders on a specific topic (which is usually closely allied to an area of the Linux Kernel) whereas Microconferences are topic driven with their agenda formed by topic proposals which are more plumbing (related to interfaces and use cases) rather than Linux Kernel specific. We expect that all proposed workshops will list all the expected invitees as part of their proposals which will help us size up the room requirements.

Proposed Workshops for 2016

  1. None

Just because a topic listed here does not mean that we will have a workshop dedicated to it! In order for that to happen, we need *your* help. A chair (or co-chair) for the workshop has to be found; problems which the community is interested in solving have to be identified; key participants have to submit presentation or discussion proposals that address these problems, and so on. Based on how enthusiastically the community responds in organizing workingshop sessions, the program committee will select a number of workshops which will run during the Tuesday of LPC.

If you add topics to this list (or take on an existing topic), please create a page and add it to the above list where problem statements, key projects, and key individuals can be listed. And please leave your contact information, and/or suggestions for who would be a good leader for that working session. The Topic Template is a good starting point for your wiki page. Example good wiki pages from previous years include Energy-aware scheduling and Automotive. Please feel free to look at other past topics: Simply change the “2016” in this page's URL to the year you would like to look at. Note this examples are for LPC microconferences, but are applicable to workshops as well.

The success or failure of a workshop, and whether we decide to run that working session, is critically dependent on having a good leader for that track. See the Responsibilities of a working session leader if you are interested in help making that working session, and the Linux Plumbers Conference, a success.

Accepted Workshops for 2016

2016/workshops.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/15 15:56 by
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