Bufferbloat and Networking

In this track we want to discuss topics related to bufferbloat including latency reduction, congestion control, queue management, proper network design, and related topics.


Network researchers/academics, system administrators, network equipment vendors, developers of networking applications, and kernel developers.

Proposed Schedule

This session will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2011.

It is scheduled from 10:00am to 12:30pm in the Russian River room.

Time Topic Presenter
10:00am State of the BufferFish Gettys
10:40am A Baker's Dozen of TCP bakeoff? Hemminger
11:00am Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP Dukkipati
11:15am TCP Fast Open Cheng
11:30am Byte Queue Limits Herbert
11:50pm Optimizing igb and ixgbe network driver scaling performance Duyck
12:10pm Networking performance and scalability de Bruijn


Proposal added by John W. Linville linville@tuxdriver.com

2011/bufferbloat.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/11 15:38 by
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